Daniel Webster PTA


Whats happening at Daniel Webster

Read-a-thon - 3/3-3/14

Get ready for our annual Read-a-thon, a Webster tradition! At Webster, it's always a good time to read! Our Read-A-Thon will be held March 3rd - 14th and we encourage our students to READ! READ! READ!

The goal of the Read-a-thon is to encourage our students to develop a lifelong love of reading while also raising money to support initiatives in our school. Plus, there will be fun prizes, school-wide theme days, and most of all...amazing reading to be had by ALL!
See event details for more information and prizes!

Next S.T.A.R. Bakers - 4/4

Support our teachers with S.T.A.R. Bakers!

S.T.A.R. Bakers is one way we show how much we appreciate our Webster teachers and staff. Families drop off baked or purchased goods to create a special breakfast thanking our teachers and staff for all they do!

You can now sign up for any of our monthly S.T.A.R bakers via sign up genius

PTA Meeting - 4/8 6:30 pm
zoom link

School budget

We know there have been lots of conversations about the school budget. As information becomes available we will continue to share with our Webster community. Link to budget information

Upcoming dates

  • May 1st:  School Budget meeting with Superintendent Reynolds and Principal Passarelli at Daniel Webster

  • May 6th:  - School Budget Public hearing at New Rochelle High school at 7pm

  • May 20th:  School Budget Vote

Stephanie Krieger Stephanie Krieger

Boosterthon update!

On behalf of the Daniel Webster PTA, I would like to thank all of our families for helping to make our 2024 Fall Boosterthon Fundraiser such a success! We could not have soared as high without you!!!! With your help, we raised over $18K. This will go towards our school play, STEAM activities, assemblies, author visits, community events and so much more! The fundraiser will continue through Wednesday, December 3rd. So, be sure to tell your companies about us this GIVING TUESDAY:-)

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